Home   Dates of Session 2023-24

Dates of Session 2023-24

Term 1

21-08-23             In-Service Day

22-08-23             P1-7 pupils back to school

04-09-23             School Photographer – Individual and Sibling sittings

21-09-23             Visit to Jarvis Court, Fraserburgh

29-09-22             Non-Uniform Day – Harvest Donation

05-10-23             Science in Schools Visit

06-10-23             Fraserburgh Academy Pupils Charity Visit

09-10-23             Parent Curricular Event

11-10-23             Harvest Assembly & Community Cafe

13-10-23             Non-Uniform Day & Last day of term/P6/7 First Aid training

Term 2

30-10-23             Back to School

02-11-23             P5-7 Trip to Aberdeen – Remembrance theme tour – St Machar’s Cathedral

07-11-22            P7 Transition Event – Enterprise

13-11-22            Anti Bullying Awareness Odd Socks Day & Flu Vaccinations

15-11-23            Children in Need – Dress Up in your best Pudsey or Down Day

16 & 17-11-22   In Service Days

22 & 23-11-22   Parent Meetings

24-11-22            Rotary End Polio sponsored walk & Dress Down Day

30-11-22            St Andrews Day – Wear Tartan

04-12-23            Christmas STEM Open Afternoon & Enterprise Event

19-12-22            Christmas Concert

20-12-22            P1-7 Christmas Party (pm)

22-12-22            Christmas Jumper Day & Last day of term – Save the Children Donation

Term 3

08-01-24             Back to School

25-01-24 Burn’s Lunch

26-01-24             Non-Uniform Day – Donation TBC

08 & 09-02-24    Mid-Term Holiday

12-02-24             Mid-Term Holiday

13 & 14-02-24    In-Service Day

23-02-24             Non-Uniform Day – Donation TBC

07-03-24             World Book Day

21-03-24             Easter Assembly & Share the Learning from 2pm

28-03-24             Non-Uniform Day & Last day of term

Term 4

15-04-24             Back to School – Term 4

26-04-24             Non-Uniform Day – Donation TBC

06-05-24             May Day Holiday

17-05-24             Open Afternoon – Book Look

24-05-24             Report Cards Issued

27-05-24             Health Week

30-05-24             Sports Day 

11-06-24    Whole School Trip to Reaper/Grateful

17-19 -06-24      P7 Induction Days to Fraserburgh Academy

27-06-24 Whole School Trip to Visit Watoto Choir, Central Church

28-06-24             Summer show

01-07-24 Teddy Bear Picnic

03-07-24 Whole School End of Year Trip to Greenwood Loch

05-07-24             Non-Uniform Day & Last day of term